Rabu, 02 Desember 2015



            Gerund is a verb ending in “ing” and used as a noun. Gerund called verbal noun, which form of the verb used as a noun.
A.    The use of the gerund
The use of the gerund in the sentence is divided into 12 parts, as follows:
1.      Gerund can be used as the subject of the verb.
Example  : Teaching is a noble profession. (Mengajar adalah pekerjaan mulia).
2.      Gerund can be used as the object of a transitive verb or as a direct object.
Example  : They enjoy singing. ( Mereka senang menyanyi).
3.      Gerund can be used as the object of a preposition.
Example  : You must refrain from smoking. (Kita harus berhenti merokok).
4.      Gerund can be used as a verb complement incomplement.
Example  : The things which Wati enjoys are eating, drinking, and sleeping.
 ( Hal-  hal yang Wati senangi adalah makan, minum, dan tidur).
5.      Gerund can be used as additional information.
Example  : Her hobby, swimming, has helped to keep her healthy.
(hobinya, berenang, telah membantunya agar tetap sehat).
6.      Gerund can be used as an absolute statement.
Example  : Speaking the truth being his habit, we love him.
(Karena berbicara yang sebenarnya menjadi kebiasaannya, kami menyayanginya).
7.      Gerund can be used as a substitute for the infinitive.
As infinitive which can also be used as a noun, gerund can be replaced by infinitive without a change of meaning in a sentence.

She will try doing it.
She will try to do it.
Seeing is believing.
They began to talk.
To see is believing.
Teach me to sing.
They began talking.
I love to read.
Teach me singing.
To advise is easier than to practic.
I love reading.
To read is easier than to write.
Advising is easier than practicing.
To save is to earn.
Reading is easier than writing.
To find the treasure is not easy.
Saving is eaming.
I hate to hurt you.
I can’t bear seeing you cry.
I can’t bear to see you cry
However in a few sentences, when converted into infinitive “gerund” meaning changed.
Example  :
-          Likanto stops smoking.
Likanto berhenti merokok.
Likanto tidak merokok lagi.
-          Likanto stops to smoke.
Likanto berhenti untuk merokok.
Likanto menghentikan kegiatan lain agar ia dapat merokok.
1.      Gerund is a noun can be used as usual.
Example  : The paying of wages is impossible this month.
              (Pembayaran gaji tidak mungkin bulan ini).
2.      Gerund can be used in active or passive sentences. Gerund composite formed by putting “being” , “having”, or “having been” before past participle
Example  : Having played the whole day, he was tired.
               She is fond of being admired.
3.      Gerund can be used with the object.
Example  : Plucking flowers is strictly prohibited
               Dilarang keras memetik bunga.
               Bunga adalah objek dari plucking.
4.      Gerund can be used after the possessive case of nouns and pronouns.
Example  : He insisted on my paying the money.
   (Ia berpendapat agar saya membayar uang itu).
5.      Gerund can be used as an adjective to form a noun combined with another noun.
Example  : Walking-stick (Tongkat/tongkat untuk berjalan).
                Frying-pan (panci untuk menggoreng).
              Sticking-plaster (pita perekat).

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