Rabu, 02 Desember 2015


The degrees of comparasion is the strucuture of language competency in distinguishing something comparable levels. When  we want to compare the adjective, we have degree of comparison.
Pattern :
a.       Positive Degree
To compare two objects or groups of the same nature or circumstances.
  As + Adjective +as (sama + kata sifat)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Example :
-          She is as beautiful as my mother
(Ia secantik ibu saya)
-          His car is as expensive as mine.
(Mobilnya semahal mobilku)
-          Bambang is as clever as Sutrisman
(Bambang sepintar Sutrisman)                 
Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif dapat menggunakan dua pola:

Not as + adjective + as( tidak sama/tidak + kata sifat)

Example :
-          She is not as beautiful as my mother
She is not so beautiful as my mother
-          His car is not as expensive as mine.
His car is not so expensive as mine.
-          Bambang is not as clever as Sutrisman.
Bambang is not so clever as Sutrisman.

a.       Comparative Degree
To compare two different objeects or groups of properties.
          Adjective + er +than ...(lebih...dari..pada...)
more + adjective + than



Example :
-          I’m stronger than you are.
(Saya lebih kuat daripada kamu).
-          Mathematics is more difficult than English.
(Matematika lebih sukar daripada Bahasa Inggris).
-          He is older than my brother.
(Ia lebih tua daripada saudara laki-laki saya).
-          You are younger than i am.
(Kamu lebih muda daripada saya).

a.      b.  Superlative Degree
To compare more than two objects or groups of different nature..

                          the ++ adjective +  est (paling/ter)
         the + most + adjective


Example :
-          He is the cleverest student in the class.
(Ia murid terpandai di kelas).
-          She is the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen.
(Ia gadis tercantik yang pernah aku lihat).
-          I’m the youngest child in my family.
(Aku anak yang paling muda dalam keluargaku).
-          This is the most interesting story i’ve ever read.
(Ini cerita yang paling menarik yang pernah kubaca).
-          John is the tamest of the three boys.
(John yang paling tinggi dari ketiga anak laki-laki itu).


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